In my tiny hometown, my family had the "go to places" for trick or treaters, so this is foreign (but oh so hilarious) to me! 

My mom served up hot cocoa and a bag full of goodies. My grandma, meanwhile, owned a bar, and would give every kid a whole candy bar AND a can of soda (talk about spoiled!!). I don't ever remember getting weird stuff. The worst thing I can think of is getting upset when I got candy I didn't like (come on neighbor, don't you know I LOVE Reeses' and HATE Almond Joys?! Read my mind, darn it!!)

Here's the list the best WORST things people have ever got on Halloween.

"Potato salad in a plastic bag." EWWWWWWWWWWW...

"One year I got an actual cat." JEALOUS!! Sorry mom, this lady outdid your hot cocoa!

"I got a small plank of wood. Literally. A plank." Whaaaat??! I don't know whether to laugh or be afraid for this kid...

"A packet of McDonald's croutons." LOL... Just lol..

"Live goldfish - not even in plastic bags. They just dumped fish into our bags." Now they have to replace THEIR kids' pets.

"Bouillon cubes. The stuff you use to make broth." That's so horrible...

"A hair dryer." That moment the door bell rings, and instead of ignoring it because you forgot to buy candy, you just grab the first thing you see in your house..

"Small potted plants." WEIRD!!!

"A package of hot dogs." Well, kids love hot dogs right?

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