The barrage of yellow and white has gone on for 12 straight months, yet police have no suspects...

No one's really sure what 85 year old Albert Clemens of Eucid, Ohio did to piss off the repeat offenders causing egg-o-cide to his house, but even if a motive for the continuous crimes is established, the suspect list hasn't been. The eggings have always taken place while it's dark; Albert and his family have been awoken at 2am to the sounds of several eggs hitting his house. The eggs usually come in groups of five or six and the attack almost always goes on for at least 10 minutes each time.

There's just no egg-scuse...
*Photo courtesy-Northeast Ohio Media Group
There's just no egg-scuse...
*Photo courtesy-Northeast Ohio Media Group

The attempt to catch the egg-holes has gone on since the first time Mr Clemens' house was egged, but has yielded very few clues. A security camera has been installed, police have canvassed the neighborhood for suspects and have even taken eggshells to forensics to try to lift fingerprints from them, but the protein in eggs naturally deteriorates DNA-including prints.

The main reason no one's been caught? As you can tell by the pic, the vast majority of the eggs are hitting the intended target of Albert's front door, eggs have also hit neighboring houses on a couple different occasions, leading police to theorize that the eggs are being shot or thrown from one or more blocks away!

Check out the rest of the story and the gallery of poor Mr. Clemens' house here (

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