Every year there's always that ONE person that goes around pinching everyone (you know who you are)... and apparently THIS is the real reason why!

Every year on March 17th, we all like to toss on some shade of green on St. Patrick’s Day to celebrate the holiday.  But what's with all the pinching?

Well, it all stems from the tradition of wearing green.  Legend has it that donning that color makes you invisible to leprechauns.  You get pinched if you don’t wear it.

Why?  It’s a gentle reminder that, at any time, a leprechaun could appear and wreak havoc on you.  Yahoo Answers also agrees that it's a U.S. tradition based in anti-leprechaun sentiment.

So while the thought behind the gesture may be well-intentioned, no one - I repeat NO ONE likes getting pinched.  It’s one part of the festivities I think everyone wouldn’t mind forgetting.

So if you're going to go all out and celebrating St. Patrick's Day to the fullest this Thursday, please drink (and pinch) responsibly!

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