There's a new survey discussing the things that people do that they consider "living on the edge."  Mine would be skydiving, parasailing, zip lining, and all the other adventurous stuff on my to do list that I've crossed off!  But, people's "living on the edge" is FAR from adventurous.  Things like driving with the gas light on, and running through an orange light were at the top of the list.  Oooooh, scary.  LOL.  Then there's THIS guy.....

My boyfriend thought I was a bit on the crazy side while were in Puerto Rico.  When we went zip lining, they had a big bird sanctuary.  I went right up to one, and he stuck his tongue out at me.  I did it back, and then put my hand out.  Check it out.... Such a cool experience!  Our guide said most people don't touch the birds.  Oops.

bird love

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