Ladies, this is absolutely something to celebrate. We're so honored to live in a state that treats us really well!

Just how well can a woman do in Minnesota? Well, that depends on what aspect you're looking at - however, overall, Minnesota is "4th Best" in the US when it comes to women's equality in 2017. This is according to WalletHub.

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What data did they look at? They explain there were multiple facets to this study. They state,

To determine where women receive the most equal treatment, WalletHub’s analysts compared the 50 states across 15 key indicators of gender equality. Our data set ranges from the gap between female and male executives to the disparity in unemployment rates for women and men."

When it comes to "political empowerment" and "education & health", women have it pretty nice in Minnesota. There are plenty of females holding political office and getting adequate health care. However, Minnesota (according to the study) could improve the workplace environment for women.

Which states are doing better than Minnesota for women? It looks like Hawaii takes the hotspot, followed by Nevada and Illinois respectively.

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