Eating snow is something we all did as a kid but is it safe?  Snow contains pollution - Even the purest, freshest, whitest snow.

As soon as flakes start to fall from the sky they start soaking up car exhaust. Snow on the ground basically acts as a sponge collecting exhaust and other forms of pollution. The most common pollutant found in snow is black carbon or soot which is released by coal-fired plants and wood-burning stoves.

Despite that researchers say you shouldn't be alarmed - eating a little snow is OK.  They say the levels of pollution in it are very low and shouldn't pose a risk to one's health.

Snow that has been plowed should be avoided though as it is especially dirty and likely contains chemicals that have been sprayed on the roads, sand, and road salt.

The website says there have never been any clinical reports of children becoming sick from eating snow.


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