
With all the negativity surrounding football right now it's refreshing to see a story like this-

Last Monday, two Mississippi high school football teams played each other: The Northwest Rankin Cougars, and the Brandon Bulldogs.  And by the second quarter, the Bulldogs were up 21-nothing, that's when the Cougars' only quarterback got hurt.

The coach of the Cougars tried putting others in at QB but they weren't very good.

That's when the opposing coach got an idea.  To make it fair, he offered to use his back-up quarterback for the second half, and let the Cougars use his starting quarterback - a kid named Mason Mathieu.

In the second half, Mason threw two touchdown passes, and was about to get a third when the game ended.

The Cougars didn't get a Disney ending - they actually got DESTROYED 46-14.   But new friendships were definitely formed.   The Courgar's coach obviously appreciated the gesture and Mason told the local news that he had a lot of fun playing with "a great group of guys."




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