While some states are flaunting "redneck," "Batman" and "Ghosts," Minnesota is coming in strong with a legit, meaningful word. Find out what it is here, and what other states' most popular words are. 

A career website called Zippia analyzed more than 3.5 million resumes to figure out what word is disproportionately popular. The website says "what we found… was weird, to put it simply." Here's what they came up with.

Iowa for some reason, uses the word "Lebron" on their resumes.

Wisconsin is using the word "gay".

And drum roll please, Minnesota's word is "volunteer."

There are some extremely random words being used on resumes. Get this, North Carolina's most popular word is "Kardashians." But why? South Dakota's is "pizza." New Mexico's is "UFO." You can't make this stuff up!

I'm not going to lie, my resume said "All State Softball and Basketball Player, Senior Captain, Class Clown of my high school class, etc..." for FAR too many years!

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