Remember when the "Ice Bucket Challenge" was the rage of last summer? It's been replaced by a "throwback" of sorts, but this time it's not for charity, just pure embarrassment.Tossing up old school pics on Thursdays and hashtagging it #TBT (short for Throwback Thursday) has been around for awhile. The newest trend focuses on throwback, too, but this one forces you to jump into the WAY back machine to your first ever Facebook profile pic. Think how much has happened to you and how much your life has changed since that first pic!

See, you post your first profile pic then nominate friends to do the same. The point? Well, there isn't one, really. It's all just about, literally, some good old fashioned fun. And in which case, when this posts to KROC's Facebook, I get to annoy all my friends when I tag them asking to see their first profile pic, right? BTW, this doesn't really have a name yet, can we get "Firsting" to trend??? Oh, and if you'd like to be my friend, I welcome you with semi-open arms!

Here's mine, circa 2006:

HA! Get your arm off me and fetch me another beer, TC!
HA! Get your arm off me and fetch me another beer, TC!

Check out more on the newest trend here (

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