The government has noticed a sharp increase in underage vaping and is now threatening bans if biggest manufactures don't come up with a plan of action. The FDA is considering banning flavored vaping products because of a spike in teenage e-cigarette use. They labeled the spike as an "epidemic."  The government agency just ordered the five largest e-cigarette companies to come up with a plan to curb teen use. Those companies have 2-months to present their ideas to the government.

 According to the NY Times, "E-cigarette users inhale far fewer toxic chemicals than do smokers of traditional cigarettes. But they can take in higher levels of nicotine, which is addictive." And the FDA released a statement that said: “The developing adolescent brain is particularly vulnerable to addiction.”

Meanwhile, a new report published in the Seattle Times, shows that kids are smoking more than nicotine: A school-based survey shows nearly 1 in 11 U.S. students have used marijuana in electronic cigarettes.


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