Kiss those flip flops goodbye, but NOT literally because that would be gross. Some of these things will probably make you say "ewww" too. A list of the reasons why you should kick those flip flops to the curb right here! Back in the day, when I'd run across a Cosmo article, I just HAD to read it. Nowadays, I have to think twice about the over the top dramatic, soap opera like view on EVERYTHING... This story has me torn. Maybe it's because I'm SO addicted to my flip flops. Some of these things are quite disturbing though. Obviously flip flops aren't great for the arches of your feet seeing as they are so flat, they slow you down, and make you clumsy, BUT did you know they can do some permanent damage and put you at risk of some seriously nasty bacteria? Here's why Cosmo says "hell no" to flip flops:

1. They expose your feet to bacteria, viral, and fungal infections.

"Any time your feet get particularly filthy, they're likely covered in some nasty things likes Staphylococcus, a bacteria that can irritate the skin on your foot in the best case or lead to amputation in the worst-case scenarios. (It depends on whether you have open wounds, like microwounds from exfoliation during a recent pedicure, or actual cuts, and your state of health when you pick up the bacteria.) Athlete's foot, an itchy fungal infection that's highly contagious, is spread by contact with something that's contaminated. When you wander around nearly barefoot, you're screwed if this fungus crosses your path. And the same goes for the virus that causes warts, human papillomavirus (HPV)."

2. They destroy your heels.

"Because your heels hit the ground with more force when there's nothing but a measly piece of foam separating your foot from the ground, walking in flip-flops accentuates the heel-strike impact, which could end up causing pain — especially if you stand or walk in them for extended periods of time."

3. They can permanently damage your toes

"When you wear flip-flops, your toes need to work extra hard to keep the shoe on your foot, which can cause hammertoe over time. If you want to avoid stiffness, pain, and potentially, surgery, you'll stick with strappier sandals."

They can also mess with your posture because of how flat they are!

4. They can exacerbate bunions

"Because your toes have to work so hard to keep flip-flops on your feet, over-gripping can aggravate people with unsightly and painful bunions"

5. They could be made of toxic materials.

"Plastic straps may be made of latex, which many people are allergic to, or plastic that contains BPA, a toxin linked to various cancers. Opt for sandals with fabric or leather straps, because natural materials tend to be safer."

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