There's a new study that reveals that when men dine out with women, they eat!

Mall of America food court with Bells, Cathy, Justin and Ethan
Mall of America food court with Bells, Cathy, Justin and Ethan

Guys, there's a new study that reveals we eat more when we're out with women.

Researchers from Cornell's Food and Brand Lab studied over a hundred adults dining at an all-you-can-eat buffet for two weeks and found that when a dude is with a lady, that dude ate significantly more pizza and salad! "Great Scott!" How significant are we talking? 93% more slices of pizza and 86% more salad! It seems that men ate more when they were with women than if they were just hangin' out with other dudes. That's like going on a date with Joey from Friends!

After eating, the diners were given a questionnaire about their experience. The responses showed that guys tend to show off their... eating prowess to their female dining companions. Yeah, 'cos it makes a great impression to go with, "Hey watch me stuff this in my mouth!"

Women responders didn't show any noticeable change in their eating habits whether they were with other women or with men; although, when dining with men, ladies reported feeling like they overate and were rushed through their meal.

There's more on the story here.

Ladies, what impresses you most when you are eating out with a guy? Is it how much he can pack in? What food choices he makes - whether he chooses "healthy food" or is a hearty eater? Or is it food at all? Maybe he's an interesting guy, who makes great conversation?

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