In the past people would attend state fairs for the livestock shows, the amusement rides, and the live entertainment.... Now it's all about the food!

Here are eight of the most absurd foods being served this summer at state fairs this year.

1.  Fried scorpion.  In Arizona.



3.  Fried beer, Texas.  It's basically a ravioli with beer inside.  And you have to be over 21 to buy it.

4.  Fried Kool Aid, California.  The Kool Aid is rolled with dough and deep fried.

5.  Fried Ice Cream Cheeseburger, Florida.  You get a cheeseburger with a bun, bacon, cheese, lettuce, and tomato . . . then a deep fried scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

7.  A fried 'Fat Elvis on a Stick,' Wisconsin.  It's peanut butt

r, chocolate, and bacon rolled in banana batter and deep fried.

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