Minnesotans are known for being kind, humble, nice people. However, even the best and nicest Minnesotan has things that make them angry and when a Minnesotan gets mad, it is scary. Ha!

There are many stereotypes about Minnesota: that we love Target so much (this one is true across the country, right?), that we only eat hot dish and that we live in a frozen tundra. We are used to people thinking we talk like they do in the movie Fargo. 

While it is a little annoying to have to hear about these stereotypes, there are other things that make us mad as well. Chalk it up to use losing our patience after being nice all the time, but some things just get us a little bit heated.

If you are new to the area, dating a Minnesotan you met in a different state or just want some insight, I have compiled a list for you so that you can avoid the wrath of a Minnesotan, because like I said, that can be scary. You're welcome.

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side view of a hand holding a megaphone isolated on white background

Make Fun Of The Way We Talk

We get it. We talk differently than you do. Doesn't everyone have an accent depending on where they live? I don't see anyone making fun of the way other people talk when I go visit another state. We can't help it!


Bring Up Minnesota Stereotypes You See In The Movies

It's a classic move of those visiting from out of state to bring up the stereotypes of the state. It's like nobody can resist bringing up the fact that we like hot dish and assume that's all we eat. That's just one example of many.

Icicles and Snowstorm

Complain About The 'Cold' Where You Are

When it is consistently thirty below zero or there's a cold snap, do not post on your Snapchat story about how "cold" you are where you live! Sixty degrees may be chilly to you but it's not anything compared to what we deal with in Minnesota.


Ask What There Even Is To Do Here

Yet another Minnesota stereotype: there's nothing to do here. People picture Minnesota as a bunch of farms and lakes and nothing in between. There is SO MUCH to do here, the options are endless. We just can't sunbathe past July.

Thinkstock Images

Diss The Minnesota Vikings

People just can't help themselves when it comes to sports. Everyone HAS to mention the Minnesota Vikings and include some type of dig along with it. Can't we all just get along? Football fans here have been through enough.

Gift Boxes
KEMAL BAÃÂÃÂâÃÂæÃÂÃÂÃÂþ, Getty Stock / ThinkStock

Come Over Empty Handed

It's just a Minnesota thing we are taught growing up. You do not show up to someone's gathering or party without bringing a gift or something to contribute. Even if they tell you not to, you ignore that and bring something. It's basically a Minnesota law.

Minneapolis Skyline

Don't Do Your Basic Homework

Sometimes people act shocked when they learn there are cities that are big and bustling aside from the Twin Cities. They assume these are the two big cities and everything else is farmland. A quick Google search will do you good!


Don't Say Hi And Don't Wave Goodbye

Yes, we are known for our long goodbyes but you still have to say bye to a Minnesotan. You should also say hi, even just to any random person you may pass in the grocery store. It's weird if you don't.

Super Bowl XLI: Pepsi Halftime Show
Jonathan Daniel, Getty Images

Make Assumptions About Things

Here's another way to grind our gears: stop with the assumptions! There are more musicians than just Prince, so please don't expect us all to know every lyric to every song. He's great but that doesn't mean he's our favorite hands down.

Welcome to Wisconsin
benkrut, Getty Stock / ThinkStock

Compare Everything To Wisconsin

Wisconsin gets a really bad rap and that's too bad, but why does everyone from out of our region feel the need to compare everything in Minnesota to Wisconsin? Or lump the two states together? We co-exist well but we are two different places.

Courtesy of Minnesota State Fair
Courtesy of Minnesota State Fair

Insult The Minnesota State Fair Because You Think It's Cool

People, for some reason, think insulting the Minnesota State Fair makes them cool. The Minnesota State Fair is a big deal and one of the most popular fairs in the country so guests must think it makes them unique to diss it. Why?


Have Bad Manners

Having bad manners will not get you far with a Minnesotan. We have been taught at a young age to say please, thank you and hold the door open for everyone. We are so nice we even throw our dirty plates out upside down so the host can't see what we didn't eat.


Have A Poor Work Ethic

Minnesotans are some of the hardest workers out there. We've been taught at a young age so it is all we know. Don't be lazy. If we can work in the dead of winter, so can you. Enough said.

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