8 Most Common and Scary Spiders in South Dakota
You either have a soft spot in your heart for spiders or you downright hate them. These creepy crawlers are found throughout South Dakota and are quite common. Here's the 8 most popular spiders you'll find in your home and in your yard. Eeek!
- Sharath V Jois_Getty Images/iStockphoto
Sharath V Jois_Getty Images/iStockphoto 1Grass Spider
You ever see those funnel-shaped webs in your lawn? These are from grass spiders
- a popular South Dakota spider. - CathyKeifer_Getty Images
CathyKeifer_Getty Images 2Wolf Spider
These spiders found in South Dakota don't spin webs; instead, they actively hunt for prey - making them fierce hunters at night.
- ConstantinCornel_Getty Images
ConstantinCornel_Getty Images 3Jumping Spiders
My least favorite spider. Often responsible for accidental pants wettings. Jumping spiders are known for their impressive quick jumping abilities and are often seen on walls and ceilings. What the...????
- Carol A Hudson_Getty Images
Carol A Hudson_Getty Images 4Orb-Weaver Spider
Those orb-shaped webs that are commonly seen in your garden is most likely weaved by the Orb-Weaving spider. Look for these when picking tomatoes and cucumbers throughout the summer.
- Photo by Marino Linic on Unsplash
Photo by Marino Linic on Unsplash 5Cellar Spiders
Also known as daddy long-legs spiders, cellar spiders are often found in dark and damp areas like basements. And it's time to put this myth to bed: You've heard people say," Daddy-Longlegs are one of the most poisonous spiders, but their fangs are too short to bite humans." Not true. Debunked by nearly every entomologist on the planet.
- Andrew Waugh_Getty Images
Andrew Waugh_Getty Images 6Fishing Spider
Fishing spiders are often found near water and have the ability to walk on water surfaces. Kinda like Jesus.
- ViniSouza128_Getty Images
ViniSouza128_Getty Images 7Sac Spider
Sac spiders are quite sneaky and will create small silk tubes used for hiding and waiting until something delicious comes along. They are often found indoors, but the one pictured here is enjoying a leafy treat.
- Getty Images
Getty Images 8Common House Spider
These spiders are often found indoors, typically building intricate cobwebs in corners. If you see grandma whacking something in the corner with a broom, it's either grandpa, or the Common House Spider.
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