A group called Black Lives Matter is planning a major protest at the Mall of America Saturday afternoon, which happens to be the busiest shopping day of the year. 

A letter from MOA sent to protest organizers warned - "Any attempt by your group to conduct a protest is a violation of our policies and would subject your group to removal from the property and potential arrest by the City of Bloomington police department."

The mall says that it is private property, and is not "a forum for protests."  Mall officials have attempted to move the protest, which is expected to attract 2,000 people, to a public parking lot located next to the mall.

Black Lives Matters organizers don't seemed interested in moving the protest.  They responded to the MOA letter on facebook saying,  "These are clear tactics of intimidation. The attempt to relegate us to an unpaved parking lot is not an act of or gesture of support. It is an act of minimization. Mall of America's management has shown us they are not interested in listening to Black voices. We want to make it clear to the public that we will not be intimidated and we will not be silenced. We ask you to join us to expose the crises our communities face every day."

The facebook post mentioned that 1,800 protestors have already confirmed that they will be attending.


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