Proudly born and raised in Central Minnesota. (Go LPGE Thunder!) After high school, I went to Brown College for Radio Broadcasting, and worked in the Twin Cities for a year before realizing home is where the heart is. When I'm not behind a microphone, you can usually find me on the golf course, in the kitchen trying out a new recipe, or walking my dog Norman, who was adopted from the Tri-County Humane Society. I host bar trivia on weeknights and spend most weekends hanging out at the lake. Follow along on Instagram and Twitter @AbbeyOnAir!
A Super Easy Way to Tip Your Central Minnesota Amazon Driver
Amazon is tipping the drivers for us this holiday season, we just need to tell Alexa to do it.
Skip the Letter, Call and Leave Santa a Voicemail with Your Wishlist!
Let Santa know who is calling, where you are from, and what you want for Christmas. You might just hear your Christmas wish on air this holiday season.
Immersive Disney Animation Experience Coming to Minnesota in March 2023
Turns out Minneapolis is one of only nine cities in America to have this attraction come our way
USPS Shares Holiday Shipping Deadlines for Minnesota
The United States Postal Service shared information on shipping deadlines for the 2022 season.
Craving Pot Pie? It’s Minnesota’s Most Googled Thanksgiving Recipe was the website that conducted this survey, sharing that people might be over the long-time trend of serving a traditional bird.
Look Inside This Retro “Floating House” For Sale in Duluth
Who needs a house on top of a hill when you could have a house on top of the trees?
Duluth Named One of the ‘Most Magical Christmas Towns’ in America compiled a list of "Magical Christmas Towns That Are Like Stepping Into a Hallmark Movie", and Duluth, MN made the list.
Do NOT Let Your Dog Eat These Thanksgiving Foods
Some foods are safe to give a taste to your dog, but others can lead to upset tummies and vet bills.
Keep an Eye Out for These Scorpions in Your Minnesota Home
Pseudoscorpions use their pincers to find prey, and have poison glands in them to help to paralyze the prey.
The Palmer House in Sauk Centre is Offering Paranormal Tours in October
This hotel also is known for allegedly being haunted. It was even featured on the hit Travel Channel show, Ghost Adventures.