Talk about a low blow. Just days after Olympic Gold Medalist Bruce Jenner's interview with Diane Sawyer where he made the announcement that he is a transgender woman, one Cincinnati restaurant decided to capitalize on the announcement for personal profit...

The owner of the Cincinnati hotdog restaurant Senate apologized yesterday for offering a special Bruce Jenner-themed wiener that was billed as "part hotdog, part taco and pure awesomeness."

While Senate's owner acknowledged that the menu item was "highly insensitive," he noted that 100 percent of its proceeds went to a transgender wellness fund, and that the hotdog was intended as "a tribute to Bruce."

Ohhh, OK!  Well then, that makes it totally cool then, right?  Why didn't you just say so...

Please. Let's all just grow up.

You can read more on this ridiculousness here...

What do you think about this restaurant's stunt?

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