Are you a germophobe like me? I hate being sick. Here's how I avoid getting a cold.

My wife has a head cold. She gets sick pretty easily. As much as I love my wife, I do not love the germs she carries around. I will do whatever it takes to keep from catching her cold. Did I mention we've been married for over 25 years. Yeah, I'm pretty mean and heartless when it comes to her being sick. I will make her chicken soup and hot tea.

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I usually wear a Hazmat suit when I bring her chicken soup and hot tea...

A recent survey asked people how far they would go to avoid getting sick. 55% said they used hand sanitizer after shaking hands. Done that. 35% said they grabbed the door knob to open a door with their sleeve. Done that. 25% have asked someone who's sick to stay away from them. Done that. Six percent have worn a medical mask in public. If a "medical mask" is pulling the collar of a shirt up over my nose and mouth, then, yep, done that, too.

The survey also asked how people prevent their significant other from getting them sick. Here are the top five responses. I know I do these. Do you? Share your tips in the comments below.

  • Sean Gallup
    Sean Gallup

    Kicking your significant other to the curb

    16% said they avoid sleeping in the same bed together.

    We have a deal. Here's the deal: I don't want to get sick. So we flip a coin for the sofa. Heads I get the bed, tails my wife has to sleep on the couch. Works like a charm every time.

  • Andrew Chin
    Andrew Chin

    Become completely anti-social

    17% would cancel a date, so they don't have to deal with it.

    I usually issue a quarantine and sequester my wife in the bedroom. I've also got additional Hazmat suits for our three kids for visitation. I've also adapted a Geiger counter to detect fever, along with cold and flu symptoms. When one of us is sick, it's the one time that someone is excused from eating at the dinner table.

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    31% wash their hands more often.

    I keep a small vial of anti-bacterial hand-sanitizer on me at all times. But there are times at home when some of the monotony is broken up by frequent visits to the sink to scrub a layer of germs off. I did mention that I'm a germophobe, right?

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    Getty Images

    Take a vow of celibacy

    39% said they avoid...y'know...togetherness. So, that means that the other 61% are wildly spreading germs! And maybe generously offering facial tissue for sneezes and runny noses.

    I'm a healthy, red-blooded American male. And I want to stay healthy. It's also good incentive to get back to good health. I sometimes try to combine sickness with an argument, because y'know, timing is important.

  • Smoochies!

    No smoochies for you!

    54% said they avoid kissing their significant other when they are sick.

    Okay, here's where I get a little wibbly-wobbly. I don't usually go in for a cold shower. Hot water kills germs. Hot shower and binge-watching something on Netflix. Maybe just a peck on the cheek. With a chew-able Vitamin C and hot tea chaser. Lots of lemon and honey...

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