Meet DRU - The newest team member to join the Domino's family!  He's the world's first autonomous delivery vehicle!

While this is a pretty cool idea, I have a couple questions:

Like why wouldn't they use flying drones instead?  Pretty sure that baby power-wheels of a contraption could easily hit a curb or something during a delivery and tip over, spilling the contents inside.

Also, how do they expect it to climb up a steep icy hill in the middle of winter?  I mean, there's NO WAY it'll climb up Northern Heights Drive in Rochester without some NOS or Rocket propulsion system to get it to the top of that street!

If they used flying drones, at least there would be zero traffic to deal with and the pizza/food would get there so much faster.

What's really scary, is I'm pretty sure this how 'Terminator' got started...

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