So, you're on a fitness regimen. We all know how important fitness is. Around my house, I'm a Halloween candy taste-tester; Thanksgiving dinner taste-tester, and Christmas dinner taste-tester. That's not counting second or third helpings. So, I definitely need a fitness program! But have you ever thought of how you could up your routine to the next level?

Have you ever thought of working out like a mermaid does?

Apparently, the latest fitness trend is the mermaid workout. That's right, the mermaid workout. In Florida and Hawaii you can suit up in a mermaid tail - a monofin - whether you're a man or a woman and do aquatic aerobics to get in shape.

It's not just about living out a Disney fantasy or trying to be a DC or Marvel superhero, although it can be. According to, it is about "promoting good exercise habits".

The first school was founded in the Philippines in 2012, as a way to bring Olympic training to regular fitness. Olympic swimmers use a monofin as part of training.

Not only do swimmers get a workout, but the complete fairy tale package includes a makeover and photo shoot, too.

The question is, would you go for a mermaid workout if a school opened here in town? Check yes or no in the comments. See the story at here. Here's a look at one mermaid workout class, Aquasirene, in Canada.

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