Halloween is just a couple of weeks away, and we'll all be either passing out candy or ringing doorbells with the kids and calling, "Trick or treat!" So, what's your favorite candy? According to a new state by state survey conducted by Influenster, there's a lot of love for Candy Corn! Oregon, Wyoming, Texas, Tennessee and South Carolina voted Candy Corn Number One this year - no other candy got that many votes in the poll.

candy corn wine

So, what was the top candy around the Midwest?

Wisconsin and South Dakota: Laffy Taffy

Illinois: Snickers

Iowa: Twix

North Dakota: Sour Patch Kids

And here in Minnesota? We love the 100 Grand bar. You can see the complete state by state map here.

So, what's your favorite candy? I do love the candy corn, probably more than I should. I have another reason to distrust Packer Backers - they picked Laffy Taffy, which is kinda like edible silly putty if you ask me...I might get caught smuggling Snickers or Twix across state lines...oh, wait, they are available in Rochester? Sweet!

Share your favorite Halloween candy in the comments below.

This is my son, Justin, showing off his Halloween candy haul from his First Halloween a few years ago.

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