An Important ‘Game of Thrones’ Character Won’t Return for Season 8
The urgency of Game of Thrones’ final season will preclude significant characters, but it seems we can write off an entire family. An in-demand star confirms the eighth and final season will find no time to address his ultimate fate.
You’re warned of light Game of Thrones spoilers from here on out, but if you appreciated Season 6 revisiting the Red Wedding to find Tobias Menzies’ Edmure Tully a captive of Frey/Lannister forces, you’re in for a long winter ahead. The brief return of Catelyn Stark’s inept brother was indeed a one-off appearance, as Menzies tells Digital Spy he’s not been asked to reprise his role or answer the character’s fate in the final season:
The honest answer is, I have no idea. [Edmure]’s obviously somewhere in a prison, he’s still around alive somewhere. They’re pretty stingy with their information and I’ve not heard anything from them. I feel like they have so many stories to tie up, whether that’s a story they’ll want to go back to, I don’t know.
The character was incarcerated shortly after Season 3’s “Rains of Castamere” wedding, only to resurface in Season 6 aiding Jaime Lannister to recover Riverrun from Edmure’s uncle, Brynden “The Blackfish” Tully. Edmure and Jaime ultimately succeeded, though the Season 7 demise of House Frey at Arya Stark’s hands left no indication what became of Edmure.
For his part, Menzies has been busy with Starz’s Outlander, and more recently AMC’s The Terror. The actor was also recently confirmed to succeed The Crown star Matt Smith as Prince Philip, following speculation that Avengers star Paul Bettany might land the role. It isn’t clear whether Thrones author George R.R. Martin’s writing will address Edmure’s fate, but is Season 8 shortchanging characters like the Tullys or Reeds?
What other faves will be left in the cold?
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