About 200 miles from here, a love story starts out sad but ends with joy because of the kindness of two strangers.



Fon Du Lac, Wisconsin is a good 5 hour drive from Rochester, but it's a short walk that's the point of this story. 82-year-old Bud Caldwell lost his wife of 56 YEARS, Betty, a couple years ago. He did as many do, looked for a way to remember her. He bought a bench at a local park and had it dedicated to her, with a picture of Betty placed on its back. He visited the bench every day, placing a penny and a daisy on it, items from their favorite songs.



A few weeks ago a storm rolled through our area, then eastern Wisconsin, dropping enough snow in Fon Du Lac that Bud wasn't able to make it to the bench. He had attempted walking through deep snow last year and fell trying, so he could only see the one thing that reminded him of his beloved wife from his car; a far cry from his bench. That is until two park employees, who had noticed Bud's "routine", also noticed Bud couldn't get to his bench and shoveled a path from his car to the bench. They also gave him the guarantee that a path would always be cleared for Bud throughout the winter.

Check out the rest of the heartwarming story and video here (CBS-58)

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