Here’s the Trick at Getting a Bigger Glass of Wine at Restaurants
If you want to get a little free wine the next time you’re at a restaurant, here are two ways to do it.
I mean, who doesn’t want more wine? Especially if we’re talking about free wine, but you do have to be a little creative to get it because there really is an art to getting a bigger glass of wine at restaurants.
According to a study at Iowa State University there are two easy tricks to try when you order wine at restaurants.
The first trick to try is to have a WAITER, not waitress, take your order. The study found that men pour more women do, about 9% more if we really want to get into details.
Of course, don’t ASK for a male waiter though. It’s not worth looking like a sexist jerk just to get one more sip for free.
If having a male server isn't in the cards, then the second trick is to hold your glass while your waiter pours the wine. A study in 2013 found we pour about 12% more wine when someone’s holding their glass compared to when it’s sitting on the table. Can you imagine if you had a male waiter and held your glass?
According to my Minnesota math, that’s 21% more wine!
Your other option that’s sort of obvious is just getting a BOTTLE instead of ordering by the glass. If your table is having at least four or five glasses, it’s a lot cheaper that way.
So there you have it, two ways to get more wine when you’re enjoying Mother Nature’s sweet nectar at restaurants. While they won’t make a huge difference, you might still get a little stronger buzz...