We're all human. We all make mistakes. Here's how to handle an 'Epic Fail' like Steve Harvey's.

The 2015 Miss Universe Pageant
Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images

Steve Harvey made the "Oops" that was heard round the world.

He named Miss Colombia Ariadna Guitierrez winner of the Miss Universe Pageant, when actually the winner was Miss Philippines Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach. That was a pretty Epic Fail. According to Men's Health, what he did afterward was completely, 100% right.

He admitted his mistake and apologized for it. That's pretty rare.

Men's Health found three ways to handle an Epic Fail like Steve Harvey's. The first is the very thing Harvey avoided.

Don't Try To Defend Yourself. Researchers from Stanford University and the University of Southern California found that the blame game can be contagious. They found that both goals and actions can be inspired and shared.

"Blame is contagious because of the spread of ego defensiveness from one person to another," says study lead author, USC management professor Nathaniel J. Fast, Ph.D.

Psychologist Walter Torres, Ph.D. and author of Humiliation: It's Nature and Consequences, says, "Own up to the mistake and its consequences." He adds, "Stay away from the public stage for awhile." That way, you're less likely to be tempted to defend, or otherwise explain your mistake.

Here's another tip. Not All Embarrassment Is Bad. University of California, Berkeley, researchers found that some embarrassment is actually good. The old saying is true: It takes a very strong person to admit when he or she is wrong. Some embarrassment is an opportunity to show vulnerability and build trust with others. Embarrassing mistakes show that we're all human.

Check out the complete story here.

Friday is New Year's Day. Have you made any New Year's Resolutions or set any goals for the new year yet? Share those in the comments below.

Have a look at a few more painful Epic Fails.


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