Why actually eat your Valentine's Day candy when you can smash it up, put it in this contraption and ram it up your nose, right? Wait...what?

Just because people get older doesn't mean some get any smarter. Were you a dumb kid like me and smashed up Smarties into dust, or "better" yet, opened up a Pixie Stik, poured out a line like you were a little Tony Montana and proceed to snort it up your nose? Well, besides risking a sinus infection or the remote chance or contracting nasal maggots (I'm serious), it just doesn't make much sense.

That's the same feeling I have towards a chocolate factory in Belgium, simply called "TheChocolateLine". I don't particularly have a problem with the company itself, it looks like it has some cool kinds of chocolate, including sweet stuff with tequila, vodka and passion fruit. The item I see that makes no sense to me is the "Chocolate Shooter".


It's just as the picture shows; a catapult you sprinkle tiny chocolate shavings or powder on to, get you beaker close to the contraption, trip the trigger and snort the chocolate. Why? I don't know, and their website doesn't really explain the benefits of snorting chocolate besides getting the scent of ramming your head up a chocolate Easter bunny's behind.

But if that does something for ya, you can order the Chocolate Shooter (shouldn't they call it a "Chooter" for short?), and two containers of chocolate powder for $50 plus international shipping at their site.

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