Minnesota Named One Of The Best States For Nurses
National Nurses Week is in full swing and that makes this even better! Minnesota was just named one of the best states for nurses in a new study put out by WalletHub.
Thank You Nurses!
Nurses are incredibly important! I always hear people say that they became attached to their nurse if they were in the hospital for one reason or another. They are with people in their worst times.
I can't speak to if Minnesota is actually one of the best states for nurses because I am not one but WalletHub does make a pretty convincing argument.

Where Does Minnesota Rank?
Minnesota was named the seventh best state for nurses for 2024. WalletHub looked at things like nursing job openings per capita, annual nurses salary with cost of living taken into consideration and more.
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Some of these other factors include health-care facilities per capita, where Minnesota ranked number one for having the most, and the competition by 2030. They are even diving into the future!
What About Wisconsin?
Wisconsin didn't do as well as Minnesota but they didn't do awful. Wisconsin was named the 24th best state for nurses, so somewhere in the middle. Better luck next year!
RELATED: Minnesota Named The Fourth Best State!
As for the best states for nurses, those would be Washington, Maine and New Hampshire. The worst? Alabama, Arkansas and Hawaii. Wherever you're located, thank you nurses for all you do.