‘Minnesota Nice’ At 4-Way Stop Needs To End
Ok, so everyone has their pet peeves when it comes to traffic and other drivers, right? I'm going out on a limb here, as this might just be an unpopular opinion, but it drives me nuts! There are a lot of times you should be 'Minnesota Nice,' but when it comes to 4-way stops, we really need to stop it.
What Is 'Minnesota Nice' At A 4-Way Stop
So I've only lived in the Midwest, and honestly, I've seen this in Wisconsin, too. You're driving along and you encounter a 4-way stop. Every so often, you stop at the intersection at the same time as another motorist.
What's the right-of-way at an intersection?
So when it comes to traffic laws, the first vehicle to come to a complete stop at the intersection has the right of way. But, if two or more vehicles arrive simultaneously, the driver to the right has the right-of-way.
Minnesota Nice 'wave throughs' SHOULD work, but don't.
So when you simultaneously stop at an intersection with another driver, you may feel nice and wave the other driver through. (Even if you have the right-of-way because you're on the right). This should work fine, but it doesn't. At least not in Minnesota.
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You wave them through, then they wave you through, then you both pull forward and stop.
So you are nice and wave them through, but then they are nice back and wave you through. We're back to square one, folks. Now we both don't know what to do. So you stare at each other for a second and then you both start to roll forward and then stop.
If someone waves you through the intersection PLEASE JUST GO!
I'm pleading with you. Please, if someone waves you through, just go. Don't question it. You're making things worse. Just go!
We'll tackle the never-ending quagmire of zipper merging another time. That's another can of worms.
What other Minnesota driving habits need to change? Let me know!