Traffic cameras recently caught an incredibly horrific car crash last weekend in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. This out-of-control driver was drunk at 9:20 in the morning when he lost control of his vehicle and crashed into an SUV waiting in line to turn on the road in front of them.

It is an absolute miracle that nobody was killed or more cars were hit. The person driving left the road and crossed a grassy median heading straight for the vehicles waiting to turn. The impact of the car hitting the SUV made it topple over on its side.

According to the Eau Claire Police Department Facebook Page:

Somehow, everyone involved avoided life-threatening injuries. The driver was arrested for OWI-1st Offense and 2nd Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety. His PBT result was .242. Please stay alert and don't drink and drive.

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When you see something like this unfold it sure hits home how it is imperative to never drink and drive. Even if you think you are sober enough to drive don't take the chance to hurt yourself or god forbid someone else. A woman named  Janet Speath Marcon replied to the post On the Eau Claire Police Department Facebook Page with the following statement: "My nephew was the one that was hit on that sat. He needs a lot of prayers to recover from this. God sure was with him that day."

There is no word on if the intoxicated driver was injured in any way. Such a sad situation that unfortunately is a far too common occurrence.

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