Lea Michele Stand-In Claims Star Was ‘Deplorable’ on Set, Told Her to Stop Talking
An actress has gone viral on TikTok with a not-so-flattering story about Glee actress and singer Lea Michele.
According to Laura Eletel, who allegedly worked as Michele's stand-in on The Mayor in 2017, Michele had already been blacklisted by much of Hollywood after her alleged behind-the-scenes behavior on previous sets had been publicly exposed.
Apparently, her demeanor had still not improved, because by Episode 3 of the series Michele had supposedly been nearly fired after throwing tantrums and being late to set.
Eletel says her job as a stand-in was to take notes for Michele, a task which turned hostile one day on set.
"Finally, the princess comes out of her trailer 45 minutes too late, and I have the script in my hand, and I'm like, 'This is the first time I'm actually gonna speak to her, dear God, give me strength,'" Eletel recalls in the video, noting that at this point during filming, she was friendly with most of the actors, including David Spade, as well as the crew members.
Eletel says she greeted Michele and began going over the notes for their scene before she noticed Michele wasn't paying attention.
"She's not even making eye contact with me, she hasn't said hello, she doesn't even, like, acknowledge my presence. Finally, she looks up, and she goes, 'You're still talking? I need it to stop,'" Eletel says.
Eletel wanted to "die on the spot," and she claims the lead stars and director even apologized to her for Michele's behavior after the tense interaction.
Apparently, actress Yvette Nicole Brown also "had it up to here with Lea" on set and was "about to curse her out" at one point.
Eletel says that after the show was canceled, a cameraman did indeed "curse her out on the last day of the show."
"She is deplorable, and I want her taken down," Eletel says of Michele at the end of the clip, which was posted Tuesday (Jan. 31) and has since been viewed 1.7 million times on TikTok.
Watch Eletel's full story, below:
Despite her notoriously negative reputation, Michele is currently starring as Fanny Brice in the Broadway revival of Funny Girl.
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