Lane Closures Planned for Stretch of I-90 Near Rochester
Eyota, MN (KROC-AM News)- MnDOT is cautioning drivers to watch out for lane closures that could slow traffic on I-90 in Olmsted and Winona Counties.

Starting on Monday, July 31, crews will begin to repair the concrete surface on the interstate’s eastbound lanes. A MnDOT news release says the project is to prolong the life of the road and create a smoother traveling experience for drivers.
The work and lane closures will span a 12.5 mile stretch from the Eyota exit to two miles west of the St. Charles exit. Lane closures will alternate as crews repair one eastbound lane at a time.
MnDOT did give an estimated date of when the lane closures will end. The repair work on I-90 is part of a larger effort to repair stretches of the major corridors in southeast Minnesota.
Repair projects are also planned for parts of I-35 and Highways 14 and 52 throughout the region. MnDOT says they will notify the public of those projects at a later time.