If you are hosting Thanksgiving this year, I've got some good news and some bad news for you.

Bad News - stores are jumping on the trend of closing on Thanksgiving (there are over 30 right now on the list!) so make sure you fill out that grocery shopping list and get everything you need now.

Good News - Stores like Target, Walmart, and Aldi are going back in time with deals for the Thanksgiving day meal and offering huge discounts.

READ MORE: 30+ Stores Closed Thanksgiving Day in Minnesota + Illinois

Before you go grab those grocery deals, you'll need to figure out what exactly you need to make and that requires a recipe.  If you are needing help with ideas on what to make, there seems to be a trend with the top recipes this Thanksgiving and Google has been tracking that for you.

Photo by Alison Marras on Unsplash
Photo by Alison Marras on Unsplash

Most Googled Thanksgiving Recipes in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin

The Thanksgiving countdown is on! 

Your family is one of the 72 million people traveling this year for Thanksgiving and they are coming to your house.  For the first-time ever, YOU are cooking a turkey.  46 million are going to be cooked on Thanksgiving Day and you have zero clue how to even start cooking this bird.  

Psst...if you have no idea what you are doing, don't worry...most of us only cook a turkey once a year.  On Thanksgiving.  And we don't remember all the steps either.

Whether it is a recipe for a turkey or a family tradition, quite a few of us are trying to figure out where we put that little piece of paper with "that one" family recipe on it.  (Some of us have to resort to asking our moms to just send it to us again.)

Jessica Williams
Jessica Williams

Our moms and grandmas are an amazing resource for all of the foods that are family traditions.  But...another resource for recipes has also been trending.  Google.

Google is so popular for finding Thanksgiving recipes that the New York Times published a list of each state's top-searched Thanksgiving recipes.  And if you thought you knew the top picks for Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin, you might be pleasantly surprised!


THANKSGIVING:  Illinois' Most Googled Recipe...Besides Turkey

Disclaimer:  I have no idea what this dish is.  Apparently, Illinois is searching hard for the recipe to make Hawaiian Salad.  To sum it up, this is not a food I would enjoy because there are marshmallows mixed with tropical fruit.  #Barf

If you'd like to try making Hawaiin Salad, you can find the recipe here.

Canva ThinkStock
Canva ThinkStock

THANKSGIVING: Wisconsin's Most Googled Recipe...Besides Turkey

If you were thinking cheese or beer were part of this recipe, you are going to be sad.

Wisconsinites are using Google hard as they are checking out the ingredients and directions to make Brownberry Stuffing the most.  A close second is Pistachio Fluff.

If you'd love to try making the green Pistachio Fluff, you can find the recipe here.

Welcome to Iowa sign

THANKSGIVING: Iowa's Most Googled Recipe...Besides Turkey

This is a winner in my world because I spent a large chunk of my life in the great state of Iowa.  This recipe screams "Yum!".

Iowa's most Googled recipe is a healthy one because it has an apple in it.  And that is the extent of the nutritious part.  ;0 Add a Snickers (or two), Cool Whip, and some pudding and you have an amazing Snicker Salad to bring to Thanksgiving.

FYI, this requires zero skill.  Try making Snicker Salad this year, but first, find the recipe here.

AndreyKrav ThinkStock

THANKSGIVING:  Minnesota's Most Googled Recipe...Besides Turkey

I've never made this side dish but I'm thinking that this might be the year we mix things up and become REAL Minnesotans.

According to the Google stats, Wild Rice Casserole is the favorite recipe to search for in Minnesota.  But guess what?!  Snicker Salad is next on our list so it looks like us Iowans are starting to change your eating habits.

If you are up to try something Minnesotan, you can find the recipe for Wild Rice Casserole here.

evgenyb ThinkStock
evgenyb ThinkStock

Which Minnesota Stores Are Closed and Open on Thanksgiving 2024?

The big Thanksgiving day is almost here and retailers are giving us a heads up on their hours. Before you plan all of your Thanksgiving Day shopping, check to see if the Minnesota store has announced if they will be open or closed.

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

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