Well, summer has definitely showed up in Southeast Minnesota.  My hair is super frizzy thanks to the instant humidity. And I felt like I was going to melt into the sidewalk as I walked to my car after work this week. I was basically an overheating frizz ball.

Another sign of summer is the super popular Thursdays Downtown where thousands gather every Thursday for fun on 1st Avenue and throughout the Peace Plaza in downtown Rochester, Minnesota.  Last year, Gerard Butler even showed up a few times!  #IKR!!!!

thursdays downtown rochester food vendors
Townsquare Media Rochester

Everything You Need to Know About the Popular Thursdays Downtown Event in Rochester, Minnesota

Townsquare Media
Townsquare Media

I've been getting multiple messages sent to me on the Y-105FM app asking "When does Thursdays Downtown start?"  or like the question above that is wondering when the party is happening downtown.  Thankfully, the answer is "soon".   And since I can tell multiple people are wondering the same thing, below is everything you need to know about the popular Thursdays Downtown event:

    • WHEN:  The first Thursdays Downtown for 2023 is June 15th!  It will continue everything Thursday until August 10th, expect for June 22nd.
    • TIME:  11:00 am until 8:30 pm
    • WHAT:  According to the DowntownRochestermn.com site, this is "A weekly summer staple of downtown Rochester, Thursdays Downtown combines arts, music, food, and a vendor market into one free community-uniting, block-party-style event! Every week, enjoy life, feel a sense of place, and interact with others at Thursdays Downtown. Your taste buds will be satisfied with enticing foods and musical styles, too."
    • WHO WILL BE THERE?  Check out the interactive map that lists all of the vendors and fun at each event here.
    • WHERE:  1st Ave.SW, 3rd Street SW, and the Peace Plaza in Downtown Rochester
    • QUESTIONS? Check out the DowntownRochestermn.com website to learn more.

Full List of Downtown Rochester Events for 2023

Can you feel it? The buzz is happening because outdoor fun is being planned again for downtown Rochester, Minnesota! The Rochester Downtown Alliance has been busy planning Rochester's favorite events and below is everything currently on the schedule for 2023! See more info and details at the Rochester Downtown Alliance website.
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20 of the Worst Jobs to Have in the Summer Heat

When summer hits, what jobs do you think are the absolute worst to have in Minnesota and throughout the country? When the temperatures are higher than 90 degrees and that hot, sticky humidity just overwhelms you, what job would you hate to do in the summer? We took a poll on social media and below are the top answers for the worst jobs to have in extreme heat.

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