October is a month where our focus is on two things: costumes and candy.  And kids aren't the only ones dressing up.  Last year, Americans went overboard on pet costumes and spent $700 million dressing up their fur babies.

Before you get hyper-focused on the trick-or-treating happening in Minnesota and the costumes for pets and humans, there are some huge dangers for your dog this Halloween season.

Jessica On The Radio - TSM
Jessica On The Radio - TSM

Popular Halloween Foods That Are Dangerous for Dogs

Not paying attention to the dangers below could lead to you being one of the many who need to call the Pet Poison Helpline, which typically sees a 12% increase in calls the week of Halloween.

CAUTION: These popular Halloween foods are dangerous to dogs!

Our adorable pups might be great at begging but if you give in, Halloween could end up being an even scarier time for your pooch. According to the American Kennel Club, the following Halloween favorites are foods you should avoid giving to your dog.

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

Learn more about the dangers of each of the foods above at the American Kennel Club website or the PetMD website.

Dog lying on the floor next to bowl full of dry food and refuse to eat
Zontica ThinkStock

What To Do If Your Dog Eats A Food That Is Dangerous

According to PetMd.com, as soon as you know your animal has consumed any of the foods above, you should immediately ask for advice.  Waiting until symptoms develop is a poor decision due to the fact that at that point, toxins from the food have already been absorbed.  At that point, it will be more difficult to help your pet recover and will also be more expensive.

Contacting poison control is always an option.  The experts on the line will help you know if further medical care will be needed by a veterinarian.

Contact Information for Poison Control for Pets

There are a few different hotlines that can be contacted if poison control is needed for your pet, including:

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6 Things to Watch for in Your Kids Candy

You want to be able to trust everyone, but when it comes to trick-or-treating on Halloween, parents had better check their kids' candy! There could be numerous issues that could be hazardous.

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Growing up in the '70s and '80s, the line between reality and fiction blurred—let’s revisit the movies and moments that kept us up at night (and maybe still do!)

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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