Urgent Safety Request By Police To Homeowners In Minnesota
When you dial 9-1-1 because of an emergency, seconds matter. Unfortunately, some police departments in Minnesota are noticing that some of those priceless moments are being spent trying to find the right property.
In an emergency, would someone easily be able to find your house number in Minnesota?
Have you ever tried to find your home in the dark? Or maybe you have had someone try to DoorDash to your property at night, were they able to find your home easily? If the answer is "no", you should use the list below to ensure that your house can be found fast by emergency personnel when it matters most.
A few years ago, I saw the following note posted by the Preston, Minnesota Police Department on their Facebook page basically reminding homeowners that if they can't find you, they are going to have a really hard time helping you in an emergency.
What is your house number?
Emergency crews cannot find you if your house number is not clearly displayed. In fact, a majority of them are not visible from the street, especially at night. A badly displayed number can cost you precious time in an emergency.
Tips to make sure your house number can be found in an emergency.
Here are the suggestions shared by Preston Emergency Services and the Preston Police Department that will help make sure your house number can be found easily in an emergency:
- The number should be posted so that it is visible from both directions of travel.
- Numbers should be placed above eye level near the front door within a radius of the porch light.
- Avoid placing numbers away from the front door such as above garage doors.
- Trees, bushes, or other debris should not block visibility from the road.
- If you own commercial or rental property, ensure that the house number is easily visible for all addresses.
One safety tip that every homeowner should know is...
What's one tip that you have for homeowners? Share yours with me now on my Facebook page - Jessica On The Radio - and it could be featured in a future story.

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Gallery Credit: Lauren Wells