REAL MOMENT: Minnesota Mom Reveals Life As An Addict
You hear the sirens. You see the lights from the police car. It is becoming more of the norm that when this happens, complete strangers pull out their cameras because they feel the need to “document” for a social media group. But the real story, what is going on in the mind of the person who was just pulled over where drug paraphernalia was found in the car...that is being missed. Today, you get to hear that part of the story.
I never thought a day with my baby girl would end like this. In March 2023, I was in the car by Bowlocity in Rochester and was pulled over. Turns out the driver had a warrant. They found paraphernalia in the trunk and it was mine. My name is Danielle and addiction had taken control of my life.
- Danielle Dillon
Real Moment With Danielle, a Mom in Rochester, Minnesota Who Is An Addict
Jessica - you mentioned that this was quite the scene when it happened but can you share what happened by Bowlocity in March 2023?
Danielle - Sure. Me and my fiance at the time were pulled over and we had our eight-month-old girl with us. There was paraphernalia in the trunk and the officer found it and he looked me in the eyes and said, "is this yours?"
Knowing that everything is on the line, you know...I know I'm not a monster and I know that God knows my heart, but to them, I don't know if they're judging me. So, I lied at first and I said it wasn't mine. And the officer looked at me again in the eyes and said "we just want to help you".
At that moment, I broke down and just whimpered and said it was mine.
Jessica - How long have you been an addict?
Danielle - I struggled for a decade. It started with alcohol and I cross-addicted to meth. When I got two duis, I had a tox lock in my car and I was like, well, can't drink so then I got introduced to meth. I could not stop. It is really addicting. I could not put it down. I thought I was just gonna be like that forever. I even tried to stop on my own.
Jessica - Someone who isn't an addict is probably wondering right now, why couldn't you just give this up? Especially when you have a daughter!
Danielle - It's such bondage. You know what the right thing to do is but you just can't do it. You're not yourself. You're a slave to your addiction.
I thought as long as I was functioning, having a job, taking care of my daughter, doing all the things...I didn't even think I was an addict. That's how much the addiction puts blinders on us that we don't even hear the truth for what it is.
I lived a double life. I went to work and then slowly but surely, I lost my job...everything. It takes everything from you and doesn't care who you are.
Jessica - Ok, back to you in the car by Bowlocity. The cop pulled you over. What happened after that?
Danielle - That led me to Child Protection Services (CPS), which they've been nothing but so helpful. If you're willing to put in the work and admit that you have a problem, they can help you. It's nothing to hide. The enemy wants you to think that you're alone and that you should keep this all a secret. When you surrender all that, it's such a freedom that surpasses all understanding of peace.
Jessica - You also went to a short-term treatment center, right?
Danielle - Yeah, so short term is 60 to 90 days long and I just thought you know I'm gonna do 60 days.
I was very uncomfortable at first because I was crying a lot. I missed my daughter. I thought, I need to leave the program because my daughter needed me. She was only eight months old. But, the enemy will tell you that you need to leave and you need to go back to your daughter. The fact of the matter is, I wasn't really there for her anyway. I gave it to my mom a lot and in my addiction, like I love my daughter, but the addiction is what stole me away from her.
Jessica - So you are in the short-term program at Adult and Teen Challenge in Rochester but you realized that there was something more - something that could make it possible for you to be with your daughter too.
Danielle - I did an audit for the long-term program and I saw that you can have your child here with you! I was like, WOW! Your child can come alongside you and a car seat is provided, a changing table, diapers, all the essentials.
It's always an ultimatum for moms to get the help that they want because they wonder if they should be at home taking care of the kid(s) or should they go get help for their addiction? At Adult and Teen Challenge Rochester Minnesota, they meet moms right where they're at and they come alongside us, helping us.
Jessica - You mentioned you did an audit for long-term. What is that time frame?
Danielle - Long-term is 13 months. At first, a year seems like a really long time.
Jessica - Why so long? And what is different about short-term vs. long-term?
Danielle - You know how we all have wiring in a house? In the long-term program, we are unwiring our habits and we're putting new wires in - it's all neuroplasticity. There's such a science behind it too. You're learning how to be a godly woman. They're teaching about biblical principles, and they're also teaching about addiction and everything that comes together.
Jessica - What do you think the biggest fear is for women who are addicts - why they won't get help?
Danielle - That is a great question. Women are the ones who are most likely responsible for their children and whether or not the dad is in their life or if they have supporting family, just knowing where their child is and who's going to be taking care of them is the hardest thing.
There are options that are available, like Together For Good, who can take care of your child when you aren't able to. And then, for the time that your child can be with you, that's what the Child Protection Services (CPS) track offers. So I think the biggest fear is just, "who will be taking care of my child".
Jessica - "Blinders" on - you've mentioned this a few times in our chat today and we have a lot of successful people in this town who live in million-dollar homes. We have a world-class medical center about a block from this studio. And we have people who are living under the poverty level and also homeless. Yet, I know someone who was an addict in all of those categories and I feel like our community has "blinders on" to that fact. People need help in all of our neighborhoods and subdivisions...to the person who is reading this and is an addict right now, what would you say to that individual?
Danielle -I feel like no matter where you come from, addiction does not discriminate and it integrates and it also regenerates.
We're all responsible for our happiness. Take that leap of faith and really tap into what God has for you. Adult and Teen Challenge is that launchpad, it is that stepping stone to explore things that you would have never thought possible.
The thing about addiction is we only see what we see. It's day-to-day. We don't think about our life and pretty soon three years has gone by. It takes a lot of courage but just surrender today.
Thanks to the long term program at Adult and Teen Challenge, Rochester, MN. I broke free from my addiction today. I'm not just a survivor, I'm my daughter's hero.
- Danielle Dillon
Learn More About Adult & Teen Challenge in Rochester, Minnesota
If you are struggling with addiction, or you know someone who is, please know that you are always welcome to ask questions and reach out to Adult & Teen Challenge in Rochester, Minnesota anytime. Their team is here to help.
Learn more:
- Men's Center
- Women's Center
- Show Your Support, Hear More Inspiring Stories at the 2024 Gala in Rochester on October 10th

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Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio