Here’s Why Minnesota Walmart Stores Look Different In The Morning
"I was at Walmart the other morning around 9:00 am to shop and noticed that it felt a bit different. I can't explain exactly what was missing but it was a different shopping experience than my typical Saturday afternoon adventure. Has something changed at Walmart that I missed?"
- Signed a Mom in Minnesota Who Just Needed To Grab a Few Things
Here's Why Minnesota Walmart Stores Look Different In The Morning
Over 10,000 Walmart stores are open for customers around the world. Minnesota alone has over 60 different locations full of essential and seasonal items.
This past year, big changes have been in place at Walmart stores including the limited use of coupons. Back in June, they also started adding digital shelf labels to stores in the United States. But one of the biggest changes in the past 13 months is a change that is helping ensure everyone who shops at Walmart has a place where they belong.
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Did You Know Minnesota Walmart Stores Have Sensory-Friendly Hours?
Several years ago, I learned the hard way that one of my kids was having a tough time being around loud noises and bright lights. We were at a Lindsey Stirling concert, which isn't the loudest concert in the world, but does have a lot of lights that flash and move around throughout the venue. What I thought was going to be a few hours of fun for my family turned into one of my biggest nightmares.
After that night, I had my mom radar out non-stop and I was constantly looking for anything where lights could flash or places where sounds could trigger that sensitivity again. Even going to a place like the grocery store was sometimes traumatic for him.
My child isn't the only who has experienced something like this. In fact, according to nih.gov, about 5% to 16.5% of people have shown symptoms that go along with sensory processing challenges.
Back in 2023, different steps were made throughout Walmart stores to help individuals with sensory disabilities. Radios were turned off, TV's on the wall were turned to static images, and lights in the store were lowered if it was possible. A pilot program with those changes took place during the back-to-school season. After great feedback, Walmart announced that they were bringing daily sensory-friendly hours to stores across the U.S. and in Puerto Rico.

When Are The Sensory-Friendly Hours At Minnesota Walmart Stores
Sensory-friendly shopping hours at Walmart stores happen between 8:00 am to 10:00 am every day. According to the press release on the Walmart website, there is not an end date for these hours.
If you've noticed Walmart stores a bit quieter at times, this would be why.
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Gallery Credit: Isabel Sepulveda