After finally admitting that he fabricated his story of being robbed at gun point yesterday, this is the response we get from someone who we're supposed to look up to and admire as an Olympian?


Yes Ryan, you want people to "move on" because you don't want to pay the price for your actions.

While you've been laying low back home in the U.S. safe and sound, your three teammates are getting absolutely roasted in Rio.  Now I'd like to point out that they totally deserve all the heat and embarrassment they've received, as they too played a huge part in this story.  But the fact you fled the scene on the first plane outta town just shows what kind of human being you are.

I can remember one of my first high school road trips for a basketball tournament when I was 13-years-old.  One of the first things our coach told our team was to respect the other school's property and be respectful young adults to everyone you see that day because we're representing our home town.

These four "professional" athletes couldn't even respect a gas station at 6 a.m. and represent our entire country on the biggest stage in the world during the Olympics!

No Mr. Lochte, that wasn't an apology.  Not even close.

You volunteered your lie on national television, then fled the country and doubled-down on that lie.  You deserve everything the media throws at you and whatever the IOC dishes out as punishment.

I just hope the remaining events at this years 31st Olympiad aren't overshadowed by this knucklehead's actions after a night of drinking.

As sad as it is to say, I have a feeling this will be what defines Lochte's legacy, and not the dozen medals he's already won.

If I were you, I'd just focus on what you're good at - swimming.  Because your story-telling skills need a lot of work.

See you in Tokyo, Ryan - that is, if you're even allowed.

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