What goes on in your mind after a serious car crash? Is it, "Please let me be okay" or is it, "Hey, I need to record this moment?"

A man in Canada named Andrew MacDonald somehow recorded video of rescue crews using the Jaws of Life to free him from his car after he was in an accident. It's good to know he's got his priorities in order, right?

MacDonald blacked out while behind the wheel last month and drove into a pole while doing 37 miles per hour.

He endured several broken bones, but he made sure to capture the moment as officials removed him from the car with the Jaws of Life. It's pretty mind-bending, for sure.

MacDonald's dude-ness seems to have been as unaffected as his skills as a cameraman. "Went for major surgery in Victoria which took total 14 hours over a couple days." he wrote on YouTube. "Metal plates and screws all over. Spent a month in hospital. Only 1 hot nurse :| But I'm home now. And recovering quickly!"

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