Peaceful Protest Planned for Sunday in Rochester
After watching the news for several days, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect when I attended a protest in downtown Rochester last Friday. I'm glad I attended because I left feeling inspired and hopeful that this worldwide movement might actually lead to change. Hundreds of people came together that day and marched peacefully from Soldier's Field to the Government Center voicing their frustrations about racial injustice.
Another march is scheduled to take place this weekend in Rochester. The Rochester United: March Against Injustice will take place on Sunday afternoon. Organizers say the event will be peaceful and encourage everyone of all ages to join. Everyone is invited to gather at the Silver Lake Park soccer fields at 3:00 PM on Sunday. From there, protestors will walk to the Olmsted County Government Center. A "Hydration Station" will be set up at the Government Center with water and granola bars. If you plan on attending you're asked to wear a mask and follow safety guidelines. Learn more about Sunday's March Against Injustice, here.
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