Petition Created to Deal With Rochester’s Garbage Issue
Late last year, Garbage Man was bought out by Waste Management, and ever since Rochester customers have been experiencing major headaches.Residents have voiced their displeasure with local media and on Facebook. Numerous people have complained about delays or in some cases no pick up service at all.
An recently created online petition could help eliminate those problems.
The petition is asking the Rochester City Council to vote yes and and implement organized garbage and recycling services. Essentially turning garbage collection into a city utility - like water or electricity.
The petition explains, "The program would reduce the number of garbage trucks on collection day, mitigate air and noise pollution, minimize the wear and tear on roadways and save each household money."
I love this idea. I've lived in several towns where garbage collection was handled by the city. It was very convenient to have everything included on one utility bill and the service was always great.
Click here to see the petition.