As I write this blog, my wife is 29 1/2 weeks pregnant.  She's had an amazing pregnancy so far with very little speed bumps along the way.  But now that we're in our 3rd trimester, I've noticed a few of her cravings kick up a notch.  While most have been of the food and drink variety, (fountain pop/Pepsi and french fries) she hasn't wanted anything strange... yet.

Today, I stumbled across this updated list of some of the strangest pregnancy cravings.  It'll be interesting to find out if she falls victim to any of these in the next 10 weeks before our baby girl arrives.

So there you have it:

1) Cigarette Ashes

2) Charcoal

3) Soil or Mud

4) Raw Onions

5) Paint

Pretty sure my wife loves at least 10 of those 20 listed above... :)

Are there any you would add to this list?

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