Still feeling the Thanksgiving hangover (literally OR figuratively!)? Food, booze, more food, more booze! If your Thanksgiving was anything like mine, you could definitely use a cleanse. Here's an easy cleanse idea for you! 

Studies suggest we put more than 3,000 calories into our bodies in ONE sitting on Thanksgiving day! This cleanse will get you right back on track.

Here's the steps:

  1. WARM LEMON WATER. The lemon kick starts digestion (and your metabolism) and helps flush the liver. So right away in the morning grab a glass of room temp or warmer water and add a lemon!
  2. Follow it up with a FRESH GREEN JUICE. It will infuse your system with a direct hit of vitamins and nutrients.
  3. BODY BRUSH! Not only does it help exfoliate your skin, but it encourages te detoxification process, too. If you don't have a brush, use a salt scrub. Here's a DIY body scrub that you can make using your Thanksgiving leftovers. 
  4. YOGA!  Just 20 minutes a day connects you with your mind and body.
  5. CUT OUT THE CRAP! That means NO gluten, dairy, sugar, alcohol, OR caffeine!!! Well and Good suggest cutting them out for about a week after the holidays!


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