Rochester Gym Giving Away Free Pizza and Bagels on Sunday
I cannot believe this is real! Planet Fitness locations are going to be celebrating National Pizza Day and National Bagel Day on Sunday. This is including the Rochester location, I called and confirmed that for you! Oh, and you'll get to work out for free on Sunday too.
According to Thrillist, starting at 7 AM until 10 AM they'll be giving away free bagels. Then 4-7 PM will be free pizza. So you can go work out for free, then enjoy some free food!
Some of you may be wondering why a gym would be offering something like pizza for free. Isn't that going to reverse the work that you just did at the gym? Shape.com actually discussed this in an article. They spoke with the director of health and fitness at Planet Fitness, Brian Zehetner. He said,
'At Planet Fitness we believe it's realistic and okay for people to enjoy a slice of pizza every once in a while in moderation. We're a Judgement Free Zone and community through and through, and we whole-heartedly believe that it's a-okay to treat yourself in moderation, especially as you're working toward your individualized health and fitness goals, whatever they might be.'
What a great response! Sometimes we can push ourselves way too hard which makes it really difficult to accomplish our fitness goals. So go ahead, work out and then treat yourself to that slice of pizza!

Hang out with Carly Ross on 106.9 KROC weekdays 9am-noon,
The Mighty 920 KDHL weekdays 1-5pm,
and Power 96 weekdays 3-7pm!