Skip the Letter, Call and Leave Santa a Voicemail with Your Wishlist!
You're running out of time to get your letter in the mail to the North Pole, luckily we have a direct line to the man with the bag. Call and leave Santa Claus a voicemail this season instead!
Just dial (320) 281-9483 and let Santa know who is calling, where you are from, and what you want for Christmas. You might just hear your Christmas wish on air this holiday season.

You might be wondering how Santa has a 320 area code when he lives up at the North Pole. Well truth be told, we are allowing him to use our radio station to filter calls for Christmas wishes. It's hard work giving everyone what they want on Christmas, there are a lot of logistics that go into this and we are just doing what we can to help out! (And secure our spots on the Nice List.)
*PARENTS* also feel free to use this hotline to get in touch with Santa about your kid's placement on the naughty and nice list.
Give Santa a call and let him know what you are wanting under the tree this year! Merry Christmas!
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