Visit Over 100-Year-Old Abandoned Train Tunnel in MinnesotaVisit Over 100-Year-Old Abandoned Train Tunnel in MinnesotaWhat's your favorite hiking spot in our area?Carly RossCarly Ross
Minnesota Forest that Was Once Lost for 78 Years is an Incredible WonderMinnesota Forest that Was Once Lost for 78 Years is an Incredible WonderThere's nothing else quite like this Minnesota forest.Carly RossCarly Ross
Easy 4-Mile Hike in Minnesota Brings You to Hidden Abandoned LighthouseEasy 4-Mile Hike in Minnesota Brings You to Hidden Abandoned LighthouseWhat Minnesota hiking trail is your favorite?Carly RossCarly Ross
[POSTPONED] Take a Beautiful Candlelit Hike in Rochester[POSTPONED] Take a Beautiful Candlelit Hike in RochesterThis Valentine's Day weekend, take your sweetie on a candlelit hike at Quarry Hill Nature Center. (Psst, you get a free adult beverage with your ticket.)Carly RossCarly Ross
310-Mile Long Hiking Trail Goes Through the Best State Park in Minnesota310-Mile Long Hiking Trail Goes Through the Best State Park in MinnesotaThis Minnesota state park has a 310-mile long hiking trail that goes through it. It's also been named one of the best state parks in the country!Carly RossCarly Ross
6 Perfect Winter Hiking Spots Within 2 Hours of Rochester6 Perfect Winter Hiking Spots Within 2 Hours of RochesterIf you need to get out of the house, these 6 hiking trails in Minnesota are either plowed or have packed snow, perfect for winter hiking.Carly RossCarly Ross
Take a Hike and Discover Two Secret Lakes in MinnesotaTake a Hike and Discover Two Secret Lakes in MinnesotaIn Northern Minnesota, take a hike on the Bean and Bear Lake Loop and you'll find two secret lakes hidden by the forest.Carly RossCarly Ross
Woman Hikes Mountain With Cat on Her Back and They Both Couldn’t Look HappierWoman Hikes Mountain With Cat on Her Back and They Both Couldn’t Look HappierThis takes the term 'cat lady' to new heights!KiraKira
Lesser-Known State Park the Best Place to See Fall Colors in MinnesotaLesser-Known State Park the Best Place to See Fall Colors in MinnesotaMaplewood State Park in Pelican Rapids, MN has been named the best place to check out fall colors in Minnesota. Carly RossCarly Ross
9 State Parks to Check Out This Fall Within an Hour of Rochester9 State Parks to Check Out This Fall Within an Hour of RochesterFall is a great time to check out nearby state parks because the colors are beautiful and the weather is perfect!Carly RossCarly Ross