Halloween is next Saturday. This is it. The moment of truth. The scariest ninety minutes to two hours of your life. You're living inside a horror movie. How do you survive?

Sure, you've taken those same tests to find out how long you would survive the coming zombie apocalypse. But how do you survive a horror movie?

Mashable put together fourteen tips from horror writers - not named Stephen King - from the Young Adult horror series Slasher Girls and Monster Boys. You can see that here.

The basic rule is don't split up. But here are some more interesting tips:

From author Marie Lu, "...always bring an extra chainsaw and ski mask. It'll confuse the hell out of the murderer when you also go charging after everyone."

Just make sure you come out on top when it comes down to the chainsaw duel...

Writer Jonathan Mayberry says, "Don't sweat it if you're a freak, a geek or an outsider or one of those strange kids in the back of the room. While the zombies are eating the popular kids, you can slip away. You already know how to make it on your own."

Yeah, alone and friendless apparently.

"Trust dogs," Megan Shephard says. "Dogs always know if that creepy kid standing alone in the moonlight is evil or just weird. But never trust cats. Those little devils are just waiting to see you murdered."


I knew it, cats are evil.

"For crying out loud, DO NOT SING," says April Genevieve Tucholke. "...if you're going to sing, please, please don't sing about your desire to see the wider world, or meet your one true love. I beg you.

"Oh, wait...that's how to survive a Disney story."

Check out the other horror movie survival tips from horror story writers, and share your thoughts or tips in the comments.

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