Update: Officer Arik Matson Is In Stable But Critical Condition
In an update to Waseca Officer Arik Matson's condition was posted by Hope Church's Head Pastor Kaleb Hurley last night online. Pastor Hurley explained that Matson is in stable but critical condition in the hospital. Arik is at times breathing on his own and at other times he requires assistance to breathe from the doctors and machines.
It was also announced in the video that Arik is at times responding to questions with a hand squeeze or a thumbs up. It was also announced in the video that the bullet that struck Officer Matson in the head, which was originally thought to have entered his head on the right side and exited out the back of his head, actually went in the front of his head on the right side by his hairline and went through the right side of his head.
Pastor Hurley stated that "So clearly Arik needs prayer, it's a miracle that he is still where he's at, it's a miracle that he is alive at this point...We are excited about the changes that have happened in Arik's recovery, but we still know there are many unknowns about is condition."
You can watch the full update below from Hope Church's Pastor Kaleb Hurley, and friends and family are encouraged to check in on other updates that will be made on Officer Matson's CaringBridge site.

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