For those of you who thought you had this skill... you probably don't, because it's WAY harder than you think it is...

Have you ever took a moment to really appreciate your five senses?  A human beings ability to see, touch, smell, taste and hear are truly amazing... but it's that last one, hearing, I want to bring up.

People who have hearing loss, or who are completely deaf have to use their eyes to help them communicate with others in every day life.  They have to study and concentrate on peoples lips to understand what they're saying.  But there are others who think they are experts or can figure it out easily when it comes to reading lips.  Not true.

I mean, there's a reason those "Bad Lip Reading" videos are so popular; it's because unless you're deaf, or if you've ever been trained to read lips, you seriously have NO IDEA what people are saying!

I've tried doing it... but the key word is TRIED.  Because it's seriously hard to do!

Watch the video below as one woman, who is deaf, explains why she chose to read lips instead of just sticking to sign language.

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